Once again I realize I would be a better person

Once again I realize I would be a better person if I just didn’t drink. How do I keep from forgetting?


One reason may be because alcohol has hijacked your brain, chemically speaking. It needs time to heal. Clearly there are other factors, but as a medical person, I know that is one reason.


One day sometimes one second at a time

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Easy does it. One day at a time

Don't beat yourself up too much

Well, you know how they say play the tape all the way through, right? I got tired of hearing that so I actually asked my wife to videotape me drunk so that I could actually see what a imbecile I was when I was intoxicated. That’s one approach.

Go to meetings, get a sponsor, do a thorough first step. Step one builds the foundation of our sobriety, and without that, we have little hope of long term sobriety


I wish that’s the case with me, I can be an asshole sober.

One bold step at a time

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It might just be the company that you hang with daily. Go to meetings and get a sponsor. And as you heard it before & you’ll hear it a million more One day at a time.

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Alcoholics are not bad people per se. We are sick people trying to get better. Putting the cap on the bottle is only a beginning. Real sobriety takes time. But it doesn't come without action. It says in "How it Works," if you want what we have and are willing to go to any length to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. The steps that they are talking about are the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Until you're ready to take those steps you can't expect to feel much better than you do now.

And OMG, for some reason the first year goes by so slow. Anyone with any significant length of sobriety will tell you that they got it one day at a time. It's a new concept for us in the beginning and one that takes some time to get used to and live by. But there is hope. Many people in the program have started out right where you're at and they made it. You can too one day at a time

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Because we're all human. It takes time for our brains to adjust when we get sober. You'll get there-- be PATIENT with yourself... clarity will come. One day at a time.

One moment at a time, and when you think you might drink finish the thought. What happens after the first drink? What happens next? Follow the story until you remember why you don't drink.

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Don’t drink no matter what. Time = clarity

Read the book, loaded with people that forget, its a daily process, one day at a time, the rewards are worth it, it took a long time to get you here, it will take a long time to get you there..

One sec at a time

Connecting with the homeless on the streets; it reminds me that I came from that low point in my life 13 yrs ago. I then thank the rooms of recovery (with the people in them), as well as people outside of recovery who never gave up on me (when I gave up on myself).

We live and learn. Don’t be ashamed of your short comings, they make u the person u are today! A strong determined woman

I’m not sure you forget. Alcohol plays a role in helping us regulate emotionally. When we try to stop, the emotional dysfunction that a lot of us already experience is exacerbated. It makes sense that you would want to drink again and even give into the temptation from time to time. The goal is progress, not perfection, and that could look differently for different people. I would find a good psychotherapist that you can learn to trust to assist in the process. 12 step programs can be great sources of support but are not actual treatments for substance use disorders.