One month into kicking pain meds/A 24 year odyssey

I’ve been on and off pain medication (mainly Vicodin) for over 20 years now. I have detoxed off pain meds up to 7 X and always because I chose to do it myself, no one asked me to, the doctors were quite willing to write me more scripts (and no I wasn’t doctor shopping at any of those times). The pain medication was for four separate intense operations on my spine that spanned these 24 years. But the addiction to pain meds went well beyond what should have been a short stint after each operation.
In the last four and a half years I’ve been working with doctors at my health clinic to stabilize and taper down, my doctor put me on morphine to start the taper. Recently, due to running out of morphine early and my doctor being on maternity leave, no one at the clinic would fill a script even 3 days early.
I’ve never looked for drugs outside my doctor’s written scripts and would choose to die from withdrawal before doing that. Consequently I went into withdrawal and even though I could have picked up my script a few days into withdrawal I decided to go with it. I’m now dealing with prolonged withdrawal symptoms.


Kelly, this too shall pass. Stay sober, get a sponsor and do the steps.