One of those days I don’t feel like getting out

One of those days I don’t feel like getting out of bed, I’ve been laying here for 5 hours wide awake and missed my morning gym session. I know what happens if I just lay here though, I know where my thoughts will take me. Nobody said that all our problems will be fixed just by getting clean and sober I have to remember that. Now I need to just get my a$$ out of bed and put in some work. Life on life’s terms, be happy with what you have, Keep your side of the street clean and a million other recovery clichés
is what I have to keep telling myself. It Works If You Work It. Have a blessed day everyone.


Feel this on a daily :raised_hands:t4: lately

It ended up being a good day once I got up and at it


Ya it’s the hardest tho just laying there thinking about a million n one things, I have a lot going on too and feel like I can’t do anything about it ya kno so I try not to stress more then I do but it’s hard.

Learning coping skills while getting sober at 39 years old is difficult, especially when there huge real life issues besides sobriety going on that would usually make me drink.

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