Order of posts

Order of posts

Is there a way to make this app make sense?

It appears when you post something it drops quickly out of view.

There is no rhyme or reason to the posts order (3 hr ago, 20 day ago, 1 hr ago, 5 day ago...)

I'm struggling to find this useful. Is it this way by design or a settings issue?


Same question here

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The posts are in order by most recent comments.


Mine aren't.

Wait you said comments. It would make more sense for most recent post.

It’s truly unfortunate that these posts and so called community make no sense. When I added people I had interactions with in posts as friends (at their request) they never said a word back when I said anything to them. Like they don’t exist. I keep this app for the interviews the founder does. That’s it. I listen to the addiction stories, all relatable and helps me formulate my own story. Your mess is your message. :heart:


So I've had this app for 7 months & feel the same.
If you have any recommendations of things to go back and listen to, thanks.
As far as ghost people on here... yes I too am very suspect of that.

I was very hopeful finding this app as it is needed.
The rehab I went to had great resources for people as well online.

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I’m about two weeks into this app and really appreciate your comments here. “Truly unfortunate” is spot on. Tha said, If you want to “friend” me, you have my word I’ll never ignore any outreach


Hello, I should probably clarify the reasons our feed is set up the way it is. The feed is set up so that the most recent comments and post show at the top. The reason for this is so a post will be seen by more people. Ofen our member post asking for help in Sobriety. If only their friends saw them they may not get the help from our community they need. Keep in mind our goal here is to help oneanother remain sober. Some of our member are struggling enough with reaching out in the forum, and even more just asking people to be their friend.

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If that were the case then why is my 6th post down a post by you from 16 days ago and then the two below are 2 hours and 15 hours ago? Maybe your intentions are to have the most recent at the top, it just doesn’t happen that way.


The explanation was not clear either. My feed is posts that go from 5hrs ago then the next post is 10days ago, then the next is 1 day ago, then the next is 10 hours ago, then the next is 16 days ago, then the next is 8 hours ago, then the next is 3 hours ago, then the next is 4 days ago. That is the questionable part and it’s confusing. Also the line of “active new members” most of them haven’t been active for over 6 months. Also they have zero posts. I am glad that I’m not the only one who sees this. As far as the “audio stories” I mentioned I’ve only heard first 12, because I keep playing them over and over. They are fantastic.


When was the last comments on those posts made? As I said most recent comments and post.

Side bar: beautiful dogs you have @jeff124307 Jeff.


The active member carousel only shows members who are online. Many of our members don't post frequently, and s I me are only here for dating. They still show in the active members when they are online. Every time a post get a new comment it moved back to the top of the feed

I see. I’m sure it’s not easy structuring an app like this or apps in general, appreciate your work:)

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Glad I could bring clarity

@leah110802 I’m happy to see you around. Glad you are finding the app useful even if a bit counterintuitive.

Imagine if twitter posted tweets chronologically. It wouldn’t work. Relevant and popular topics rise to the top.

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Agree completely, it’s my only complaint (and it’s minor)

Again, I love Lossid and thank it’s creators. But right now there’s a post in “hotline” that’s 5 months old. Not sure how that works, but whatever. Very thankful for the app

If you are seeing any post that is 5 months old it is because someone commented on it. That is how things get populated to your feed.