Over four months away from alcohol

Over four months away from alcohol working steps. Have sober supports. Doing what I’m supposed to be doing for the most part I feel like. Still feeling discontent and extremely irritable. The littlest of things make me irritated and people close to me see it. Like the worst kind of dry drunk. Does more time need to pass ? My defects of character are still there and I’ve been doing everything through the big book and through the advice I’ve gotten. Need some feed back.


Yep. Withdrawals aren't fun at all; and they take awhile before they dissappear. Be patient with yourself and continue to make improvements.

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Totally feel the same way. Today is day 32 and I snap about stupid shit. I didn’t realize that was part of withdrawal. Hang in there, everyone says their life is better than they could have imagined in sobriety.

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Hey at least you recognize a dry drunk It’s not about burying stuff it pulling it apart. And fix what we can but to grow. Being a drunk let me sweep stuff away without dealing. Being sober we fix that stuff so we can also be fixed

Checking. How are you Daniel?

How are you Britt? Are Congratulations in order for Day 42?

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Hang in there Daniel....it took you more than four months to get where you got and it’s gonna take you four months to get back to where you’re going… Believe you me it’s worth every minute of what it takes you on your journey to get better so that you can share it with others and tell them that this simple program really does work one minute, one hour, one day at a time and the next thing you know it’s tomorrow and ya stayed sober today!Here on the East Coast we have three hours and 11 minutes to go until tomorrow so if I don’t pick up for the next three hours and 11 minutes I will have another day away from the nightmare that got me where I got to where I couldn’t take anymore…