Overthinking this evening πŸŒ™

Hi Everyone! My name is James, and I'm an addict. I'm on a recovery journey and lonely.
I go to groups and listen about how others have made these news friends in sobriety, the fellowship gatherings, service work, etc.

I feel I must be doing something wrong, with all the people I've met and exchanged numbers with - I think less than a handful are still around. This makes me feel I am not worth anyone’s time and those old feelings of rejection creep in.

Have any of you experienced this as well? If so, how did you work through it?

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James, ya for sure I remember feeling that in early sobriety. Everyone else seemed happy and together. I felt like an outsider.
I just going to group meetings and sharing my thoughts and experiences. I helped out. Arrived a little early and stayed a little later to help clean up or w chairs etc. I met some great people and eventually made some great friends.
Are you working the 12 steps w a sponsor?

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Yes, when I was new and sobriety, I was always wondering why everybody was shaking hands of everybody else and skipping me by and why is everybody hugging everybody else and skipping me by and I asked my sponsor why is this and he replied do you shake hands with anyone or do you hug anyone and I said no, and that was the end of the conversation and I shared that anime meeting one time and people were line up to hug me and shake my hand go figure

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Yes I am working with my sponsor.

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This is normal in the program for men and women. Keep reaching out. You will create bonds with some and not others. I go to events. I attend AA.NA. and celebrate recovery. It's not you. Don't take it personal. Remember we all are addicts and have trust issues also. Stay in your faith. Keep reaching out.

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Thank you and I appreciate it!! :heart:

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That’s great!:clap:. I’m here if you ever have a question or want to talk

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Thanks man, how would I connect with you. Your message came at the right time. :blush:

I private messaged you my cell number. Text me and we can schedule a time to talk