
Allowing my emotions to dictate my behavior is a slippery slope. I'm not emotionally regulating and giving God the chance to work. God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I can not change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.


Melodye I’m with you. Emotions can be a challenge for sure. I try to remember to pause, breathe, slow it down.
Breathe out and tell myself “let go”. Breathe in and tell myself “let God”. I do this many times a day, especially when I’m trippin.

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Thanks, I like that.

Have you ever read "Drop the Rock*? It's amazing. My sponsor had me read it, in 2017 or 2018. I've turned it over a few times lol
There's mindfulness and peace in drawing attention to our breath. Be still and know He is God. Prayer is our question. Meditation is where we can quietly give space for an answer.
I hope you feel better soon, friend.

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No, I have not read that. I got on here because things I used to do I stopped years ago. I'm 15 years sober with a bad bad attitude lately, so I'm recharging and reaching out.

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Thank you for sharing. Have an amazing day. God bless you.

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It's a great book. I do the same. Sending love bombs to you! Have a wonderful day! :cupid:

It works if you work it

Thank you :blush:

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