Oye vey. Moved to a new town for a relationship

Oye vey. Moved to a new town for a relationship that failed. Looking to find people in this area so I have my own community and don't find it in the bar. Any suggestions outside of AA? I'm not opposed to it. I just would like other ideas as well. How does anyone meet anyone anymore? Thanks.


Sorry about relationship. I have no idea

Considering the fact that I'm socially awkward and introverted I've always found meeting anyone outside of work is almost impossible. Now that I'm contemplating finding a career outside of the kitchen my only hope is that someone initiates the process for me or that I just find a few good shows to binge watch for the next decade or so.

:rofl: That's exactly where I am. I'm not in a work environment where it would be wise to hang out with coworkers. My car has been consistently clean now, so that's nice.

I started playing Sim City a few years ago but even the people living in my fictitious world I created gave me anxiety so I let their world go to waste. Then I felt so bad I had to delete the app. As you can see I'm not much of a people person...All terrible jokes aside I'm also living in a new city and struggling to meet new people as well. Thank goodness for earbuds. They at least give the impression that I'm too distracted to speak with anyone instead of just being at a complete loss over how to socialize.