Please tell me it gets better

Getting my 11 month coin tonight. I really thought I would be doing a lot better than I am. Anxiety, Stress, Loneliness. I will say that I understand how much worse things would be if I were drinking, but I mean, c’mon you universe, give me a little break


everyone keeps telling me it does. i had two months at one point and couldn’t take it. i’m at 19 days now and feel terrible. (dope not alcohol tho)

It does get better but it’s work. Do you have healthy coping skills? Have you put yourself out there and meet new sober people? Do you go to meetings, therapy or something similar? Just like everything else, there are definitely ebbs and flows to sobriety. I have really good days and sometimes I have weeks were everything seems to bring me down and I feel like a failure. However, I don’t pick up even in those hard weeks so I take that as a victory.

Do you go to AA or have a fellowship? On days where I feel like that I try to just get out and do anything go to a new meeting or do things with someone from AA and it helps get me through the day

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Hang in there man! Just be honest with your group with what you’re feeling- let others rally around you. The first year is BRUTAL, but you have made it this far- keep going! Sh!t can be crazy, life can be hard, but everyday you go to bed sober, you are a winner. Hold onto that. Congrats on 11 months! You got this man :100::100::100:

Don’t isolate man, stay connected and reach out! The answers are there, we don’t necessarily need to look we just have to listen. Hang in there man.

Life is the same only you don’t add alcohol problems to the mix. It’s better this way

Soberity like anything in life takes effort? Trying to figure this out is definitely not easy but it's worth it! I'm only two months clean and I'm trying to stay strong and so can you? Think of people that are dropping dead everyday? You've come so far, don't give up!

It seems like a majority of the people who are not really feeling "better" aren't working a program. Still making excuses, I mean, we all do that. Things don't get better by themselves. Sure, not drinking is definitely a step in the right direction. But you gotta rebuild to really start feeling better.

Hello Tom, it gets better. honestly, for me I had to get through about two or 2 1/2 years before it got way better. For me AAA was not helpful, I found Smart Recovery much more helpful. The trap is trying to push the thought out of your brain. Once you realize that the thoughts of alcohol will probably never go away, you learn to live with them peacefully. When I see an ice cold beer on a hot day I think to myself “ that beer looks really good, and I really do not want to wreck my entire life.“. And that is the end of that.

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This is after eight years

News flash…at least for is good one moment and then super shitty the next..just stay medicated..serious not alcohol…benzodiazepines

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For the good to get good unfortunately will have to go through some bad. There is light at the end keep pushing. Stay strong

The ups and downs are normal.

Ugh. Expectations for our self’s.
Just DONT!
Deep breath.
Now, focus on how much you have accomplished in this time. Focus on how hard it was to get here. You’re amazing! You have gone through a lot, but you’re a fighter, and nothings stopping your forward.
Struggles are life. Make them your stepping stool to be all God intended for you to be and all YOU want for yourself!

You got this!

It gets better as you improve your conscious contact with God :pray::+1:

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Loneliness is very depressing. I'd use the program to find some friends. I dont think its becasue your sober and it's hard I'd say the loneliness is triggering you to feel this way. If your not feeling great about yourself maybe find a therapist who can work on building self confidence again. I have low confidence so I understand. I also get pretty lonely but I at least have my son and a dog. Family is whole other ball game. Maybe there is another way to build up a lonely mans life. Hobbies or adult volleyball teams things like that. Just ideas.

It doesn’t. 403 days here and my life is absolute sh*t

Higher power

It gets better