Plz help me

Hi my name is Holly and I'm most definitely struggling with this issue I'm going through please let :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray: if this message does happen to get read msg me ASAP


Hi Brittany, hang in there! Happy to help if you need to talk.

You okay

Brittany you’re not alone! I struggled as I’m sure all of us have. Please lean on us, lean on me. So here for you! I’ll friend request you now. Reach out to me anytime

We are here for you. Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Please give us a little more information so we can try to help. Thank you.

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We all struggle - I cope most of the time by keeping busy. I also workout 5-6 days a week. I pray this helps me at times too.... but I/ we are here for you.

Yes I agree with Troy C. Little more information could very well help us help you!