Positive thoughts needed please. My cat is not doing well

Positive thoughts needed please. My cat is not doing well. The emergency vet visit didn’t give any answers and over $600 dollars bill that I now owe my mom. She needs an ultrasound but I couldn’t afford it. Might have internal bleeding?!? Her intestines are inflamed and causing blood in her stool. Her bloodwork was good. So that’s good but it was $322 just for that. Her regular vet is sorta far but they are low income and take payments. I’ll see if I can get her in. They open Tuesday. I’m freaking out honestly. She always has something and I’m not a good person financially for her. I feel like a failure. I hope she pulls through. It’s so….overwhelming.


I'll be praying for the both of you


Heather, you’re a great mom for your sweet kitty! You care and love the kitty.
Ill be praying for you🙏


Prayers up :pray:t2:


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m praying for you both. I’m sure your cat is like your family member. My heart goes out to you.

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Thank you. I honestly started a go fund me and I feel ashamed that I did. I don’t know.

Praying for you and your cat. I’m a cat person too - my kitty is now 14 years old. She has been a solid friend and a good mouser. My heart is with you and your sweet feline friend.

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Sorry to hear that maybe start a gofundme for her?

No reason to feel guilty.