Prayers please thx

Yall need prayers. I have my first court appt next mon. Found out my blood alcohol limit was two times higher than legal.

My lawyer says, he will contact prosecutor to get that final score and negotiate for me. He said that we must be prepared to appear in court and start probabtion.

Man i hate this and myself for this... I have been in over 60 AA meetings, working the steps with my sponsor and I hope I can show I have put work into the changing process of my life. I havent desired alcohol since my last drink july 2.

Please pray that God will soften the heart of the judge, prosecutor, my lawyer and everyone involved in this. Pray for understanding that I am my grandmothers care giver and cant go to jail. Pray that God will provide and see that I am doing my best.



Hey! I’m sorry you’re dealing with that, as if fighting the addiction itself isn’t exhausting enough :sob: Don’t be too hard on yourself though, once I take one drink my addictive brain instantly takes over and makes decisions I would never make myself and I’m assuming that’s what happened in your case too, it isn’t your fault. If you have a judge with half a heart and half a brain they’ll see you don’t belong in jail and need to be out where you can continue your work in recovery. It sounds like you’re doing great otherwise though, I’m happy you’re beating this! :blush: And I will absolutely pray for you, I hope you’ll be able to keep me posted. God’s got you though. :heart:


Thank you


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That’s great that you haven’t wanted anything since July, but in order to make it more long term, I suggest that you look up (Google) Annie Grace! She’s the absolute BEST in her field. I was able to get sober thanks to her books & podcasts & her This Naked Mind Companion app that I downloaded for free on my phone. Good luck!!!!

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Ty ill check it out

You’ll be ok. Just keep trusting your Higher Power and most importantly accept that it is out of your control. If it’s any consolation mine was 3x the limit and I got a year probation and a year of daily meetings…:man_shrugging:t3: But truly that was not that bad. Just relax and go in with humility and a positive attitude. You got this brother!!