Praying for God to remove my desires

Because it feels like I’ll never get what I want. I’m so lonely. I’m so broke. I’m so inept.

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Nah, you a shining light in this world waiting to shine to it. Time will heal all when not using. Guaranteed

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By staying sober and working the 12 steps the Promises have come true for me. They can for you too. Keep working the steps.


The Serenity prayer guides me in moments like these.

"God, grant me the Serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

I have to look at my desires while being honest and decide if they're realistic or not. If they are realistic, am I taking the necessary action to put myself in position to achieve them? Most importantly am I going about this in a kind and loving way.

If I realize certain desires are unreasonable or unobtainable, then yes, I have to ask God to remove these desires.

My desires are pretty basic. Be loved, have enough money to avoid struggling, and to enjoy myself. I say the third step prayer. It hasn’t helped much. If anything it just helps me redirect my thoughts from downing myself.

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Being lonely, broken, and inept are all feelings we can grow from. I'll bet that when the growth begins, the feeling of never getting what you want will be relieved.

That's great you say the third step prayer. I like the part "relieve me of the bandage of self, that I my better do thy will" I feel like that sums up what the entire program is about. Do you work the steps?

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