
I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and struggling with a drug addiction. My boyfriend is also struggling with a drug addiction and want me to terminate my pregnancy otherwise if i carry full term he says hes going to kill himself because the state has fucked him over one to many times with child support. Part of me wants to keep it but I am only getting the abortion so he doesnt kill himself. I also am worried abut the birth defects that it might have already due to me struggling on stopping considering im getting an abortion. I dont know I guess I am at a lost on what I should do?!?!?


May God Bless You n keep you. May he cause his face of favor to shine upon you. Be Gracious to you. Protect you, Provide for you n Grant you Peace. In Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen :pray:t5:

Trust Him


Amen :pray:


Hey Jai,
I'm wondering what your real feelings are about having a baby if you didn't have to worry about your bf? If you want to keep the baby Doctors can help you get thru withdrawals & all that but the sooner the better.
Look I'm not saying that you shld do anything I feel as if it is 100% your choice to make and shame on the way your bf is acting sorry but that's not someone who thinks about anyone but himself.
I'm praying for you :pray: I believe in you :heart: :100:


You got to do what’s best and make a decision based off what you want and what’s best for you and that baby. Him saying he’ll end his life if you have the baby is manipulation at its best. I’d recommend you talk about this with someone before you make a decision, look at your options, healthy risks, etc. You can’t really control what your boyfriend says, does, or says he’s gonna do.


Remember you’re not the only one struggling, he needs help too, but until you’re ready there really isn’t much to do, but at the end it’s up to you, I’m sorry I don’t believe in abortions but I do understand there is times for it. Hang in there you will be okay :pray:

Jai, I am 45yrs old with a 16yr old son who was born healthy despite my drinking and smoking cigarettes during my pregnancy. He should have 4 living siblings but I aborted them. My relationship with GOD developed within the last 6 yrs. What I've learned is children are loans given by GOD. He thought so much of you that He blessed your womb with one of His creations. This means you are worthy to be someone's mother. The feeling that's tugging at your :heart: is not a coincidence. I will be praying for you :pray:

@jordan217049 your boi is acting just like a little boi. Throwing a temper tantrum because he's not getting his way. How selfish are self-centered is that. There is always adoption.

Gods given you a reason to straighten up your life. I would suggest getting into rehab and giving yourself and your baby a fighting chance!

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I’ll be praying for you,, God bless you.

Child support is why you would get the abortion

How so?

Thank you everyone I appreciate the support and time you guys took to read and comment. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and gonna talk to a health professional to see what they think.

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My kids have literally saved my life so many times! Everytime I relapsed and started using again I swear god sent me another angel and I would straighten up for some yrs and fall off the wagon and another angel. I have 3 amazing young men and a 5yr old daughter that are my whole life now. I think God is giving you this gift as a new life for you. Take it! Please! And ditch the selfish bf! He needs to find God!

God has given you a blessing do you have a support system set up this is your light to get your life together it’s a chance grab on and keep pushing forward it’s a whole new world for you :heavy_heart_exclamation: reach out and find some people who can get you we’re you need to go to get some help try a rehab or a place where you can stay and get your self the help you will need :sparkles::pray:t3::pray:t3:

That’s a lot to carry, and I can only imagine how overwhelming this must feel.
You deserve to make this decision without fear or pressure. If you haven’t already, please reach out to a trusted friend, counselor, or support group, having people to help you through this can make all the difference. No one should have to navigate something this heavy without real support. You matter, and there are people who genuinely want to help. Feel free to send me. DM at any time. Sending you some info via dm


Thought that is what you said in post