Preparing myself for 30 days in county. I hope I

Preparing myself for 30 days in county. I hope I can get my job back.


I’m sorry to hear that brother. Are you going into county jail?

Not for sure yet. My PO said it’s likely cause I didn’t finish my community service hours

Are you able to go to a meeting clubhouse and do service work there? It counts

Thing is my remission court date is this Wednesday

If I were you, I would try to go to a clubhouse and do some service work over the weekend and put in as many hours as you can and show that you at least tried

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Or even go to a homeless shelter, and do service work there.

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Troy gave some solid advice. Those things do count.

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Carey, I had to go to County jail many times. Once I got super serious about my sobriety, all that trouble cleared up.
Keep your head down, but don’t be fearful. You’ll get through this. Real statistic, 97% of those that go to AA meetings within 24 hours of release from incarceration and everyday for 1 year never go back to jail. Then it’s the exact opposite for those who don’t go to AA meetings
Now you bro. Sobriety is the easier way.
I’m here if you want to talk

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