Question I am curious about. New here

I just joined the app today for my goal of getting sober from prescription drugs and overabundance of caffeine. Both I want to stop completely.

So when I saw this section labeled sober curious, it got me thinking about something.

I am not sober curious in the way of not knowing if I should get sober...I definetly know it's best for me.

What I would say I'm sober curious about is my approach to recovery in that my plan was to use more mindful practice and therapy strategies to deal with when I am triggered instead of going to 12 step groups.

But now that I'm going through the app it appears as if going to 12 step groups is what is followed.

My question is will going through this app without going to 12 step groups set me back and can I choose an alternative way to get sober?


Hi, Josh.
I am not into discouraging others from trying the steps-while I do not go to meetings.

More power to those who are working the steps and if that is helping, wonderful!…while I have yes, leaned more into the mindful side ( by that I mean yoga, meditation, walks, hobbies-things like this )…the majority of people that use Loosid seem to go to AA and / or meetings of their choice.

While there are alternative paths to get and remain sober.
AA and other meetings are one way…while never the only way.


…I am also curious to know why you are adding quitting caffeine along with prescriptions?…meaning…would it feel less overwhelming to stick to, focus on prescriptions…?…
Instead of trying to stop two things completely at once?
Just reading that-overwhelmed me!
Thank you for sharing and welcome to this community!

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Thank you, well said

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Im quitting caffeine along with it because I use it for the same thing I use pills for which is to feel better immediately.

In my experience when I've tried to just quit one it was hard because I would just use the other one for the same intention and kept the habit going

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Hi Josh, welcome. Whatever path works for you, take it. Most here are AA people. I am not. It didn't work for me at all. I've shared many times here that there are other ways. I don't discourage AA, and no one discourages me for doing what works for me. You choose any way that's good for you. Listen to the suggestions and make your own decisions. We all have the same end goal but how we get there is up to the individual. You will receive lots of support here no matter what you choose. I hope that's helpful.


Yeah thank you, I feel the same way and can relate

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AA, 12 steps, sponsor, rehab, detox, medication. Nothing helped me but Drs advise to quit and willpower. So for I’ve had no problems . I’m healthy, happy and will never go back. I had high blood pressure for over 20 years and while I quit drinking my pressure had been normal and all bloodwork was normal.

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You are welcome, Josh!
And thank you for answering, clarifying about quitting more than one thing at the same time.

I have paused this podcast I am into-to dip into Loosid.
I will go back to the podcast in a minute…it is Rich Roll’s latest podcast episode.

He covers a range of topics while there is hardly an episode ( well, the ones I have heard )…which-where he does not include insights in relation to being part of the recovery community.

( He is into AA…and I appreciate how he will bring it up in, within his podcast conversations…yet not be pushy about it, know )?

It is not part of every conversation.
Recovery / sobriety will organically come up and it’s just cool how he is not trying to convert anyone.

I am bringing this up…because podcasts have also helped to keep my mind engaged ( and not pick up a drink-er, like ten )!

Rich Roll’s podcast is, has been my favorite…these past few years, especially.

Please keep us posted on how things are going.
I echo Brian in regards to finding solid support here.
( You might be interested in this episode I started listening to )?
If interested, just look up-
Rich Roll podcast
This one is episode 829.

You can use whatever works. For me, the programs are very helpful in helping us identify areas which need improvement, witnessed through the lives of others. Also, recovery can get lonely and this helps a great deal. Lastly, the 12th step is by far the most rewarding and purposeful and it's hard to help others without having a well defined program that has proven results


Oh, and welcome. Also, I urge you to start each day with your gratitudes and do this for a month and if it doesn't make a huge difference, do what you see fit. I have a feeling that this alone will be of great help.

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Welcome here.

Any way you choose is fine. The 12 steps of A.A. and NA are not the only way folks sober up. But it’s very popular due to its success. Millions have recovered using the 12 steps. I tried everything and A.A. worked for me.

The difference I guess is in getting down to the behaviors that led to my drinking. The steps helped me change those behaviors.

There is also the aspect of camaraderie. I have developed many rich relationships with fellow AA’s. They understand me in ways normal people don’t. All the best to you.


You can do whatever works for you. For me, and most I know, the 12 steps were the only way to achieve a long term sobriety (and happiness).

Best of luck to you!