
I'm just gonna be honest. I haven't quit yet. I want to so bad but I'm so scared. I keep telling myself when I run out I'm done, but cold turkey is hard. How did you guys "just quit"


I've quit two substances, and they are very different. With opiates, I have been on MAT for almost 4 years. After suffering from an opiate addiction since I was a kid, I knew I had to quit and I knew I wasn't going to be able to go cold turkey. I am on a maintenance dose of methadone and attend counseling at my clinic.
I am now 14 days sober from alcohol addiction as well. I am not a hard core, drink until I black out, type of drunk.

Alco. alcoholic

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I went on a bender two Mondays ago and woke up and just said I've had enough. I can't do it anymore. So, I told my sister, who is a recovering alcoholic, and my husband. I also told my husband that I can't be around ANY alcohol for a long time. That is my downfall evert other time I've tried to quit. So, I joined this app and have been checking in daily with my sister. Feeling stronger this time like I am actually going to quit. Message me if you want!


If it’s from Opiates like I was on.. the way I was able to stop was suboxone and subutex. I found an outpatient clinic/rehab that helps with every med you need. Even just Suboxone is a life saver! It stops the withdrawals and the cravings. Find a dr who prescribes that.

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I hit the bottom… I put my kids and myself in a very dangerous place and realized I just needed to quit. I called a friend who was in AA and told him I needed help. Went to my first meeting that night and haven’t touched it since. The first week was awful… detoxing is no fun! But after the fog lifted, my body stopped hurting and I could think clearly it was all I needed to not look back. If you are scared, go to an ER and tell them you need a medical detox. They have meds that help, and can monitor you as well as get you the outside help most of us need.

I opened up to my friends about 6 days ago, I know I have a long way to go but I haven’t had a drink since.

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I accepted I was completely defeated and accepted surrender. I was just at a place where I was willing to do anything it took to get sober regardless of the work and pain it may bring, nothing could have been worse than the punishment addiction brought to me. It’s been a great journey and I’m solidly sober and reasonably happy now

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I have done cold turkey in the past and have done fairly well. I have had a problem always with pain medication and have gone back to that several times. I am now on a low dose of Suboxone and it has worked wonders for me!

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Have you tried psilocybin mushrooms? I quit smoking cigarettes and haven't gone back. About to try it once more to kick alcohol. It's not addictive or habit forming. I simply don't trust the pharmaceutical industry.

Also: PRAY. Like you mean it.

I’ve been sober curious for a long time. My inspiration is seeing people’s before and after sobriety pics. It also helps to quit drinking and start doing something else more that you can’t be hungover for, like hiking or yoga.

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There’s really no pinpoint way, u just have to want to live more than you want to die. I promise I am not being smart. I am rooting for you. Give the poison a break

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You deserve an amazing life , but you will never get there while you’re using. Pray to the sky and start looking for signs.

It’s different for everyone and obviously you can’t always go cold turkey, but for me the biggest thing is employing a mindset that there is absolutely no other option than being sober. I always had to tell myself that if I continue using, my life WILL fall apart and I WILL die sooner than later, not a matter of if but when. I know this is specific to me though and might not be helpful to everyone, but figured it’s worth considering.

My last drunk was on a Saturday night. Did something I wasn’t proud of. Was the final straw. Spent the next three days in bed in what I think of as an emotional coma. On the third day a neighbor gave me a meeting schedule. I definitely had the gift of desperation. Went to a meeting that night picked up a white chip and dove in head first. That was 15 years ago this past March.

It is hard I too did the after this bottle I am now 1 week clean I have been seriously trying hard since May Quitting up to 1 month and I do feel so much better but something triggers me this time I am staying active on this sight for that extra push . Don’t give up you can do it

When your done you will know it. You can't quit till you throw away the shovel and stop digging a new bottom.

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I went to treatment

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Signed on with a therapist the day I quit.

SAME HERE SAME BENDER! I am done the boy I love went to rehab and I swore it off to be a better friend.

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