Random Temptation

33 days sober and for some reason(no triggering stressful event etc) I found that I was thinking about having a glass of wine which wouldn’t be A glass of wine. I know myself better than that. Came out of nowhere. I didn’t cave and I am so grateful for that. Woke up this morning feeling equally grateful I’m not hungover and feeling like a failure.


You’re definitely not a failure!! I used to think like that too though, I would get so mad at myself for just for even wanting it. But I learned that it isn’t you that wants it, it’s your addictive brain that’s used to having it, trying to get you to give it more, and you successfully told it no and rode out the craving so good for you!!! And because of that today is going to be another great sober day :blush:

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Thank you Amanda. I appreciate it. I guess I’m just harder on myself and shouldn’t be. It just came out of nowhere and I need to get used to that, dealing with it as it comes. I hope you have a great day😊

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Yeah no problem, I can totally relate! Last night I had a dream that I got a bottle and was getting ready to drink it. Just SO annoying. Don’t forget that you did deal with it as it came and you won!! So enjoy the victory and the rest of your day :blush::blush:

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Great share

I almost had a glass if wine too. But didn’t. Proud of us!!!

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Yes! Very proud of us!!

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I'm glad to hear you've succeeded! Woot :tada: