Reaching out

Definitely let go and let God when we fall down. We just get back up. You have nothing to prove to anybody. Just do a solid step one and start all over. You can do it whenever you wanna talk there are a lot of People here for you


You are not alone!!


So keep reaching out and taking positive action till you het back there. You are certainly not alone and I know I have been slowly inching toward relapse myself lately.

Only through honesty amd transparency ha e I avoided it it this far and thats not enough to keep it going tbh so its time to renew my mind, body and soul on wt it took to get me to my current state of sobriety bc if not Ill be snowballing toward an avalance in no time.

Deep breaths, healthy input, healthy outputs and outlets.. Like riding a bike. The path just got rough and narrow... Been here before. FOCUS

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Reach out. To anyone on here. We are all here for that reason. You are strong and you are resilient.

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You know what you have to do. If you can't stop then have that hard conversation with those who love you unconditionally. Hopefully they can help problem solve and figure out your options with you. I had to reach out to my brother when I hit rock bottom. He's a pastor

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Same thing happened to me. I got a sponsor that I check in with in person 2x a week.

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