Realizing I need to stop drinking. Don’t think I

Realizing I need to stop drinking. Don’t think I can do it alone. I feel so private about this weakness

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Hello and welcome. You are definitely not alone

Guess that’s why I reached out here.

Well, you're halfway there.
Now that you realize that you need to stop, set a date, get medical help, get a spiritual program, and most importantly find out what's causing you to drink.
A lot of our problems started in childhood.
It's scary, frightening, but worth honestly taking a look at childhood.
I understand how you feel about it being a private issue, not weakness. So handle it; you don't have to announce it to the world. Especially people who aren't dealing with this issue.
I felt it was my private issue, and still do. 1146 days later, I'm still alcohol free. I made my decision to stop poisoning myself because of past traumas. God endorsed the change, and bam I'm a new creature.
All the best to you.

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Hi Beth. I totally get it. I am now 44 hours sober and it’s not been easy. Almost gave up this morning in fact. But each little time I say no is one step forward.

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I last had a drink this past Sunday. It’s the time of day that is cocktail hour here. I am trying to stay busy so I don’t have one. No one else here is having a drink so that helps.

What’s so private about it.when everyone probably nows but you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I don't know about everyone else, but isolation/secrecy played a huge role in my alcoholism. As soon as I spoke up and got connected with others who shared the same brain as I did...I realized I never had to get sober alone. I suffered in silence while my disease fed on my shame, guilt, and all those other self deprecating emotions. Today I starve it by staying connected with others who have walked the same road & are living the sober life unashamed. You aren't alone and there are so many who will gladly walk this road with you :heart::heart::heart:


I tried to stop and my will power sucked shit through a sock so I went to rehab for 3 weeks

come to the dark side. we have cookies. coffee. meetings.

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I was ashamed, embarrassed, humiliated, you name it. I dont think anyone is proud to be an alcoholic, but we are. Acceptance will come, but work through that shame or guilt of whatever it is. It to will pass. I let everyone know my struggle today. I'm not proud of what I've done, I'm proud of where I'm at !! :wink:

I never could’ve stopped drinking if I kept my problem private. Everyone knew I had a problem except for me. I got better when I quit worrying about the opinions of others.

You're not alone