Really feeling like I wanna drink or smoke right now

Really feeling like I wanna drink or smoke right now. This girl I met feel like she’s ghosting me when our connection felt real.


It will only make you feel worse…courage

Don't pick up. It will definitely make you feel like a loser. Let go, let God.

They tend to do that. Get used to it.

Using isnt the answer.

"There is no problem using wont make worse"

Thanks guys I didn’t drink but I did buy a cigar …I feel like this was the only option I didn’t enhale just went for walk

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Keep sobriety your number one objective. Be selfish about it until you get a handle on it. Go to meetings, find a sponsor, get all the support you can. Stay clean and sober :muscle: I'm over 7 years clean and still have not decided to actively start looking for that perfect lady.