Really struggling rn drugs have destroyed my life & i want

really struggling rn
drugs have destroyed my life & i want to stop. im just scared to stop. NOT doing drugs will be a new experience for me & im nervous...


I understand your vulnerability. When I allowed myself to feel and process my feelings and emotions, guilt and shame, turning it over to my higher power or God which is sooo difficult not to keep revisiting those thoughts. I no longer had to hold on to that. Today I am.working on expiring all the things that do not serve me anymore. There's a time for me, when I have to put an expire date on old things so the good experiences come in. Hang in there.

Just go to gobs of meetings and listen. Pray for willingness to be willing.:heart:

You have a choice and there is a solution that works if we work for it. :love_you_gesture::pray::rose::sun_with_face::heart_decoration:

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Its scary to hand over the crutch of drugs. It feels like you are losing a good friend. But that is a friend that would throw you off a cliff and laugh as you tumbled down. Open your heart and mind and act on your desire to get clean. You won't regret it!

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You look like a very young person.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
What you do with it is up to you!

If you can't stop you're drug of choice then you need to accept the fact that you need help for starters.

Start making phone calls and do what you have to do to get checked in somewhere. Start from scratch and make the decision that you are not going to fail.

And for God's sake quit believing all the lies that are going through your head telling you that you can't do this because you can.

If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten!

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