Relapse again!

So mad at myself!


You are still here you have a chance


Keep at it, Maureen!


Even if you just go hour by hour that’s another sober hour further from your relapse. Don’t beat yourself up🩵


As long you are learning why you did it. What cause you to drink or use. Recovery is a learning process. Try not to make the same mistake again learn from your actions. One day at a time. :pray::raised_hands::muscle:t2:❤‍🩹

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Thank you everyone for the kind words of encouragement!!! Been an emotional day!

One day at a time.

Your honesty is awesome. Don't beat yourself up.

Hang in there

Forgive self and start at day one- as long as we start at day one… the days add up! :strawberry::heart:

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Hi Maureen. I sent a friend request. I'm here to chat with, if you need it. This is a disease. Don't beat yourself up. Just by reaching out and being honest, you're treating the disease. You can feel good about that. All is not lost.


Welcome back!

I am reading a book that is really helping me…..geared towards women and drinking…..let me know if you are interested and I can send you the title….
Hang in there! You’ve got this!!

It’s a maddening disease
The shame and guilt is a given. Allow yourself to feel these feelings and then move away from it into hope that as long as your breathing you have life and you can make better choices next time. Sending you some love and know your not alone

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I’ve been there, if there’s anyone I’m mad at the most it’s myself. Literally the definition of insanity. Stay close, you’ll make it :purple_heart: