Relapse / back on the horse

On May 25th I relapsed after 7.5 months clean from alcohol. Today I have 29 days sober and I’m proud of myself for getting back in the rooms of AA and coming clean to my home group. I lost my girlfriend, job and sobriety and picking myself back up has been a daily grind but I also took this opportunity to work the steps with my sponsor and attend more meetings throughout westchester county. I think the one thing that’s finally starting to register with me is my emotional triggers, insecurities and inflated ego that are only intensified when I drink. Currently on step 4 and I wanted to reach out to the members of Loosid and get any advice on how to truly let go of what’s holding us back from being the person we’re capable of being.


I’ve been there, Keep coming back,

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Congratulations Tyler on 29 days. I’m so proud of you brother. Keep up the amazing work.

Relapse made me stronger. More aware. Come back with a vengeance.

Congratulations. As far as letting go of what's holding us back, learning to stop negative self judgement and stay in the moment is huge for me. Most if mine is fear based, which is hard to let go of, but I just keep guiding my thoughts back to where they should be -sometimes 100 times a day.

I’m proud of you! You’re learning and growing!

What holds us back is dishonesty led by pride and ego, pushing us to forget the first step.
Practice the first 4 steps as suggested in the Big Book and 12&12. (Or what you’re working with your sponsor) Read it thoroughly and ask yourself what you are refusing to let go of. (There are questions listed)Then ask your HP for the willingness to let it go. You’re on the right track. Just don’t drink ODAAT :grin:

Tyler, what held me back for too long was and sometimes still is, is my ego/addict mind! My ego tell me I don’t need the program or the sober community or to do service work or the steps. It tells me I’m better and smarter than everyone, or I’m a total loser.
I had to wake up and keep it simple. Always asking myself if I’m coming from ego or love.

Nice job on 29 days!
I think a solid step 3 lends to a good step 4. Others have more experience than I in that regard.

For me, I realize that things that I would address in step 4 used to trigger me to drink, but drinking only ever made things worse and didn't help one bit. Even the tines where I would have just a little, nothing got better from it.