
I am hurting right now! I relapsed after 235 days of sobriety and I’m trying to get back at it. I have a sponsor and am going to meetings… I really need skim support to get through these days. Anyone on here from the Long Beach area?


235 days of strength, courage, commitment, and honesty vs a small relapse. You know what you need to do, and you are doing it, take pride in the fact that you have a toolset that some unfortunately may never acquire.

Be kind to yourself and let your higher power take the wheel.


I hit 30 days tomorrow, I had almost 3 years of sobriety. I let that go for a good year and a half. Got back into the bottle slowly but surely and found out that all of the reason I chose to be sober, we're all of the same reasons that I have to stay sober, for good.


look at relapse as a learning experience. What was going on in your life to lead you back. Approach this with love and compassion. You got this and im proud of you for having the strength to put it out there!


I wish I were there so I could give you an uncomfortable "Bro hug" (since that is all society has left for two men who simply want to support each other) and let you know you have not lost a single one of those 235 days of success.

It's not about the calendar, it's about each individual triumph: each time we say, "Not this time" to each and every trigger and craving. You are powerful, that's why the addiction wants you so much.


Don’t beat yourself up dust yourself off and start again you were able to do it that many days you could do it again a day at a time


Well said Sobertom.


What BigD said, a lapse doesn’t define you and certainly doesn’t take the credit away from your 235 days of sobriety. Keep your head up, you can do this.

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Just remember tomorrow is another day and you can start fresh and move forward. Hang in there and don't beat yourself up. Just take it oneday at a time just like life

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You’re doing awesome!! Look at how long you were sober and understand that you are the only one that can stand in the way of continuing success!! I wish you all the best and hope that you can get back to your good days soon

The day counter might reset, but that doesn't mean you've lost or forgotten all you've learned. Who cares about the time lost, we only live a day at a time. Be kind to yourself, ask your higher powerful for patience and self love, and focus on today.

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1 tip that isn't popular in AA circles:

Your sponsor should be your 3rd resort for answers for life issues, not your 1st.

1st is higher power. 2nd you reconsile the direction you believe you are being led in with yourself. If a gut feeling, leaves you with doubt - ask your sponsor for direction.

I take the path of least resistance as an alcoholic. Calling my sponsor for everything was just that. It's hard to trust something you can't see or hear. But it is imperative you get there. Because as you just experienced - your sponsor wasn't between you and that drink when the moment of truth came. You drank.

Get used to following your HP's direction when times are good, so that when times get rough, you can rely upon that voice you have been trusting for 6 months.

Good luck to you!

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Thats a long stretch!!Sometimes when we relapse, we need another person’s perspective to help us refocus.

Normally relapse starts in the head long before it manifests in the physical. When you start getting bored with sobriety or start romanticizing the past, it’s all to easy to head down that slippery slope.

Go back to basics. Find what worked for you in early recovery and do that. Spending time
In meditation helps immensely to give me perspective. You will get over this hurdle. It’s not the end of the story. I have faith that you can get back up and keep going!

All the best :heart:

Speed bumps and your still driving the car. Sending love

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Question for reflection what was your diet at the time of relapse? Bio chemical relapse happens before the act of relapsing


you made it that far once you can do it again!