I have slipped up and drank a few times in the last two weeks!
I have health issues and know it's not good for me.
But I am living with my sister at the time, because she has MS and I needed a place to go after finishing rehab.
Long story short, she is very negative and unhappy and I let her depression creep in to my head. I am not currently driving and it's hard to get to meetings where I live
Well she found out and was raking me over the coals!
Not understanding what I have been going through.
Do I need to apologize for being human?
My mom has a hard time understanding why I can’t just wake up and fix myself. I can’t. Many can’t see themselves in m your shoes cause they’ve never been there to understand. Focus on you and i know it’s hard but don’t let negativity seep in. Disengage! It’s ok! Be good.
Also think of your health
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