
Hello, I'm new to this app. But it asked what I'm struggling with. & that is relapsing. I don't understand why I can't just stay clean for longer than a month. I don't understand why my kids aren't enough for me to WANT to stay clean, you know ? I ask myself every day why... why does it have to be so dang hard for me? I currently don't have my 3 children in my home. They're with family. & in order to get them back I have to stay clean long enough to give 3 clean UA'S. That's it! Why can't I do that? Why can't I utilize resources given to me to prevent me from relapsing? Why do I choose to ignore my coping skills & just use anyway? I don't get it. & I'm wondering if there's anyone else who feels the way I do? Or am I the only idiot who can't seem to get her life together... ?

They said I needed emergency brain surgery or I could die.I told them I'm a drug user they said I had to test two weeks positive, I didn't even try I figured it was my easy way out I had disappointed my kids maybe they'll be better with out me. Ppl adjust it took 9 months to get those two weeks cold turkey I stopped all contact that wasn't beneficial for my sobriety
Finally got the surgery went right back to usin I wrote a note to myself when I relapsed and it says don't do it!!! your going to be mad you did later and I think about that letter cause I'm write I will be mad
Thigh user me Jsmalls wrote to the sober me Jessica
I was like you a while I new I could quit - I wasn't ready

Stay strong

Use a different approach stop doing it for other's even if that means your kids focus on You first than all that will fall in place you got this stay away from things that triggers you. clean up that circle your around like family friends and situations have a blessed night#howbadDoyouwantit!!!.....P.s your not stupid it's not gonna happen to you want it and when you say enough is enough

You are not an idiot.

You have the brain of an addict…your brain is wired this way while you can change your realities, the wiring.
It may not be easy-clarification…it will not be easy…while it can be done.

There are many resources out there in the form of books, websites, podcasts…which explain why those like us…cannot stop, once we begin using a substance.

If meetings will work for you, awesome.
If by chance, meetings turn out to not be for you…know that there are plenty of avenues and resources that can help you get and remain sober. Also.
Please consider changing your perspective-from calling yourself an idiot…to giving yourself credit for sharing with all of us and to begin with.:peace_symbol:

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Echoing this.
As in you cannot do this for anyone else but your own self.
If you are trying to get sober for others…more than likely, will not happen.

We reach points as human beings-where we get sick and tired of being sick and tired, as the saying goes.

Try to not beat yourself up too much and utilize all of the resources available to help you get and remain sober.

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Be patient with yourself it takes time! We didn’t become addicted in one day so remember, easy does it🙏🏻 support is there at meetings

I know about self sabotage. Be kind to yourself!

Are you working a program of any type?