
Yesterday, my therapist told me that relapsing isn't drinking itself but it's all the emotional triggers and how you respond to them that leads me to drinking that's the true relapse, so if unplanned family visits aren't relapsing then I don't know what is.


eeesh those are the worst. It was definitely my go to: to pour a nice strong drink when my family shows up. But now I try more to focus on concentrating (logically) on what they’re saying. And responding with thoughts that are true for me and not just part of the habit that’s been created by the dysfunctional relationship I have with them. Sometime it works sometimes it doesn’t. Good luck. And breathe…

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Thank you, Trisha. My uncle's in town and I'm having dinner with him tomorrow night. I've already scheduled another therapy appointment for next week and I've already made plans for what to do the day he leaves town (him leaving will honestly be worse than him being here), so I'm going to be keeping myself preoccupied and away from people/ places/ things that will get me into trouble.

And as always, courage


I feel like Kevin McAllister in the first Home Alone movie when his whole plan is in place, the robbersare at his house and he says

"This is it. Don't get scared now. "


sorry missed this one. that’s classic. how did it go?

Still not sure, tbh. My uncle was very nice while he was visiting but about a week later he texted me to say that my mom needs another surgery and he can't be there to help her out

I hope that everything works out for your mom. Try your best to take care of yourself too, tho

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The main thing I need to do on a daily basis is forgive myself of my past. And focus on my future and knowing that if I don’t pick up a drink or a drug. My life will get better. My family will. In some cases be healed. Life gets better.

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