Relapsed again not proud of myself

Thinking I need to get help cause doing it on my own is not working right now


Hang on there, don’t beat yourself up, we suffer from a decease that we did not ask for. You have the desire the willingness will come. One day at a time as always but truly one hour at a time is what it takes.

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Meetings with like minded people. Networking with those people. You got this. The guilt and shame of relapse just drags us down further. I learned in an intensive Outpatient program: falling into "potholes" of relapse can be part of an individual's recovery process. To work to recognize the "Potholes" before falling in, that takes understanding of ourselves and commitment to continue every second minute, hour, day, to be diligent in our recovery and reach out for support of other sober people. Don't be discouraged.

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Doing it on our own rarely works for any of us. Go to meetings until you like going to meetings. Get a sponsor and work the steps. Then once you have some time, help other women do the same.

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Thank you all for the good advice

I suggest inpatient, IOP, and meetings (lots of them! It’s a great way to establish community and networking)

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Stephanie.. . You get back on the bus and start this fight again. You can do this. I quit cold turkey and still fighting. You need support from family and friends. Try AA all women groups. They will help you. Stay safe and strong. Good luck…

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Thank u

You got this. Your not alone in that experience at all. Definitely a learning and growing opportunity when we fall or just stumble. You are gonna do great!

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Are you working the 12 steps with the sponsor? Or friend request you now if you wanna talk

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I tried it “on my own” for years and it was years of misery and failure! Finally went to rehab and sticking to AA has got me 220 days now!! You can do it!!


Help is always great! Different things work for different people and meeting new people might expose you to different methods/ways of dealing.

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Good morning Stephanie

I could never do it on my own. I needed the help of treatment to get me away from the drink or the drug for a period of time. Then I had to go to meetings get a sponsor work the steps start doing service work. At meetings. And at the Treatment Center I went to. Then slowly but Shirley my life got better. 

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:call_me_hand:t4: well said brudda.
I also joined an IOP through care Hawaii CBT and relapse prevention are great classes and gave/give me great tools.
Yes everyone thought I was mentally ill by volunteering the program, best thing I’ve ever done. Highly recommend if you can find a counselor who cares and isn’t just running a court program for a job :call_me_hand:t4:

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I tried for years to stop on my own. Nothing worked. I finally surrendered. There is a solution. I became willing to listen to simple suggestions. Best to ya.

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