Relapsed back on fent. i almost got off of it

relapsed back on fent. i almost got off of it fully again and almost had a week sober and finally wasnt sick. back at the start again.

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It’s ok. I understand exactly where your at. I was there. We fall. Were addicts. You’re not special, you did what addicts do: Welcome back glad you didn’t die!


Thanks for the support Victor! Glad I didn't either haha

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It happens bro. I was lucky enough to get off using substances and then get off those 2 yrs later but the urge never leaves. Sleeps at best.


you're absolutely right, josh. the urge never goes away. but i'm stronger than those urges i must believe, i'll get there again one day soon! thanks for the support!


Yes you are and yes you will. Of this I have no doubt!

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thank you so much! i will for sure :slight_smile:

I was back and forth for years. Surround yourself with people in recovery. People places and things are a REAL trigger so when you’re struggling reach out. Make a network in your area. They’ll show up in ways you never knew possible. Keep you head up we believe in you!:pray:

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thank you so much for the support and great ideas! i'll for sure make a network, as well as hopefully get back to going to my na meetings. appreciate the love, kim! 🩷 wishing u the best

Anytime! You can do anything you put your mind to. One day at a time. And there are always live na virtual meetings all day long. You can google them. I do them when I need a meeting in the moment!

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right, one day at a time! and sometimes, when its extra hard, minute by minute! and yes ill definitely check out those virtual na meetings, those seem helpful. thanks a lot

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You are still breathing


Learning to stay clean is equivalent to riding a bike for the first time when we fall we get back up and try again eventually you will get it!! Keep going don’t give up I believe in you!!


very true, just like your name, im still alive today. so thankful

thats a great way to put it! thank you so much tina for the kind supporting words. this app helps me so much and because of everyones support, helps me want to get better and stay sober. thank you for believing in me, i believe in you too 🩷

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I’m glad you are here :pray:t2:

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Get back on track your here !! You’re alive !’

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How are you today

Glad you're starting again. I know you'll be glad to be free of that!