Relapsed before New Years, struggling with doing it agai

That is incredible to hear! Thank you for the encouragement! One day at a time!


7 months is so impressive! Give yourself grace for relapsing and craving the escape, but you know how awesome is feels to be clear and sober and you’re back on that track


Thanks! I do feel better being back on track and i love how far i came in my sobriety not just from being sober but mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Welcome back, I’ve been there, doesn’t neglect all the positives things you have accomplished in the past 7 months. Meetings, sponsor, spiritual connection, daily reprieve, working steps, being of service and getting out of self, and talking to other alcoholics will help you not take a drink. Good luck, you got this!

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The question my sponser asked me after my relapse that stuck with me "What are you going to do different?"

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Every day counts my friend. I'm sorry for how you're feeling and whatever it is that's bothering you. I also hate alcohol and the way it feels. What could you do that would be beneficial to you that you wouldn't hate, that could help with these thoughts?

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Thank you!! I appreciate you taking the time :slight_smile:

Im trying everything right now to keep myself from wanting alcohol and so far its helping. I hate what alcohol can and has done so i dont want to fall back into the same chaotic struggle as before. Thank you for the encouragement!

Not be so dang complacent! Thats always my problem, i get comfortable and then i start slipping. Im grateful this relapse was for only one day but im being hypervigilant right now since its still so fresh.

You can totally leave it behind. Any benefit we thought we got from alcohol is an illusion, fed to us by culture and the alcohol drug companies who want to keep selling is the poison.


Well said my dear!! Now to just keep telling myself this

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How are u doing. I know it been two days.


I am doing well thank you for asking, still struggling but keeping busy and keeping myself in check!

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I read this thread and was, am wondering-yes-how these last few days have been for you, Ang…keep going!

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Thank you!! I am taking it day by day


The difference is in having those 7 months to compare to your alcohol focused days before getting sober. I know how this is feeling, but well done on 7 months!

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Thank you so much my dear!! Ive got myself dusted off and ready for another go!

Recovery is not a straight line
But a winding road with ups and downs
It's not a smooth ride
But a bumpy one with twists and turns

Recovery is not a solo act
But a team effort with support and guidance
It's not a lonely path
But a shared one with friends and family

Recovery is not a weakness
But a strength and courage
It's not a shame or guilt
But a pride and honor

Recovery is not a curse
But a blessing and a gift
It's not a burden or a problem
But an opportunity and a solution

Recovery is not the end
But the beginning of a new life
It's not the loss of something
But the gain of everything

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Thank you so much for sharing this, i needed to read that so much more than i realized

Amen to that! I am making my way there day by day!