I had almost 7 months under my belt and I decided to let my nerves and being complacent take control and I relapsed- not crazy bad but a relapse none the less. I hate drinking, how it makes me feel, and I love/miss how far I came in my sobriety but right now i really want a drink.. I just want to escape and forget what is running over and over in my head. Gahhh I just needed to get this off my chest I guess. Heres to almost 12 days!!
I did the same thing last year. Believe it or not the relapse was exactly what needed to happen for me to be successful. Coming up on 1 year in a couple weeks!
You got this!
That is wonderful to hear!! Congrats, that is huge!! Thank you for the encouragement, im hoping i can push through!!
You can and you will!!!!
Thank you my dear, i really appreciate it!!!
“You may have to fight a battle more than once to win”~Margaret Thatcher
Hey don't trip on it. 12 days is awesome. Hang in there.
Thanks Taylor! Im taking ot one day at a time right now. Ill get there!
You're already there!
Much appreciated!!!
We all only have today. One day at a time we make decisions for our own personal journey that no one else can do for us.
Find a meeting or online meeting remind yourself with success around you ! You got this
And i made it through today sober!
Thank you Mike! One day at a time right?!
Isn’t it crazy how we hate drinking yet crave drinking! Aarrgh😤 But we are stronger, braver and well equipped to end that cycle. Be kind to yourself and take things one day at a time.
I agree, its one of the most confusing places to be! Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated! Jist ate some ice cream and im feeling better already!
Hi I had 346 days and now one. What is my problem. The bottle teased me and I jumped. 🥲:woman_shrugging:
Ang, I’ve been there done that too many times to count! Finally I got super serious. I went to meetings everyday and every night for well over a year. Got a sponsor, honestly did the steps and stayed glued to service.
14+ years solid sobriety and now know it was the best decision ever.
You can do this! I’m always available if you ever want to talk.
Its such a slippy slope and i hated myself but ive dusted myself off and back on that horse. Youve got this my dear!!! Youre not alone