
feel free to reach out to me if you ever want to talk!

Don't beat yourself up. It happens. We are all just Sober for the last 24 hours


You learned something I bet. Use it the next time :heart::pray:

Nichole, ITS OKAY. You are not expected to be perfect. We are in this together, good, bad, and ugly. One thing I tell myself when it’s “I could use some bourbon”, (big time) is “THEN WHAT?” Is it going to make the problems get better? How will I feel about myself? So if I drink, “THEN WHAT”? Keep reaching out. Everyday if you want to or need to. You’ll have so much support. :heart::broken_heart::heart:

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Not to be passive about it but it happens. I messed up probably thousands of times. Learn from it but for me awareness is probably the sole ticket that keeps me sober. I’ve messed up enough times to learn that it’s better to just be mad or sad or whatever than it is to deal
With the drama of using again. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

Have you tried AA meetings? The fellowship is real. :heart::muscle:t4::blush:

I still struggle with relapse too. The only thing I know to do is to get up and keep going. My body knows I can’t live the way I did. Hang in there and one foot in front of the other.

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Right. I used to get down and out about it and it would make it worse so now I just try to see it as a setback and try to get myself back up right away.

When you quit alcohol, you are refusing to ingest poison that has been normalized and shoved in your face your whole life. Alcohol does nothing for you. It only takes from you. You don't need poison to escape or be more social. You aren't missing a thing. Look at alcohol as something you dont.want.

The majority of us slip! For me it took 4 re-habs and finally made it to a year. Now Ive got 20 months. It’s absolutely a day by day mindset
“We used to give up Everything for one thing

Recovery is giving up one thing for Everything”

as long as your coming back on here you know what it takes to get back on that horse! your doing good!

I failed many times, until I let go and let God, do his work. Have over 29 years now and loving every minute of it. All that matters is that you keep trying.

It's what you do with it that counts. Don't stay stuck there. It's over . Forgive yourself and keep moving forward.