
I'm all over the place...I just relapsed after 10 months of sobriety. I'm proud of myself for not letting it continue. Yet, I am beyond disappointed in myself! During this little stint I've lost a few more ppl to this damn disease. I have 1 day! Ugh! I hate reading that! Gotta start somewhere, right?!:upside_down_face::smirk::tipping_hand_woman:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Just keep up the good work yeah sometimes people relapse but you got to start from the bottom to climb back up :wink:

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I have had many day ones and this was one for me. I can relate to feeling disappointed but we can be proud that we have the courage to get back on the path. Congrats on your day 1.

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Your relapse does NOT define you and it does not define your recovery! Out of ten months you went down for a day. Lok at it that way :slight_smile:

Very true. Thanks! I appreciate your response. :blush:

Thank you! Your perspective has definitely given me a new perspective. Much appreciated!


Stay with it Jen! Try a new approach this time with determination

Well said Simone
