
Sorry you had to learn the hard way. You're not the first and you won't be the last.
Own it, tell them and get to meetings.

We have to learn to play the scene forward. When you pick up a drink, you get some relief for a short time. But when you wake up you have more shame and remorse to carry around like you're doing now, realizing that you accomplished absolutely nothing.

That's called "believing the Big Lie;" That this time, everything will be OK. But it never is, is it?

I had almost 9 yrs when I relapsed. It cost me 3 yrs of oblivion. Now I'm coming up on 9 years all over again. So there is hope for you.

Starting over sucks. I want you to hold on to what you're feeling for as long as you can and remember this when you have a desire to drink again.
And you will.

Don't believe the big lie!
Call someone and get to taking those steps.


You okay

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I get it, it feels so shameful. BUT relapses happen and the amazing thing is, is that you did not let the addiction win. You went right back to one day at a time and that is something to be proud of!


That’s what honesty helps when you share here and get support it helps you to move to a better place to share it elsewhere and your sponsor will help you too. That’s what we alcoholics do, we relapse, so don’t feel guilty. You’re wise to pick yourself up quickly instead of feeding the addiction. It took me 10 years to do that.


Tell ‘em and don’t be so hard on yourself. Get back in the horse and take it a day at a time. I know it’s so cliche but today is a new day and you can be well on the right path again.


Thank you everyone.i ended up getting the courage to tell my sponsor and my sister. I feel relief from the burden .

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Finally admitting I relapsed and being honest helped me stay better. This time I’m more honest and open about my “birthdays”. Looking back hiding ANYTHING was a tiny step to relapse. Fortunately I’ve never felt more confident than I do now. Good luck to you!!

Your not along...Please Dont beat yourself up ...we all have been through this on our journey to and through recovery..Its ok... i commend you sharing this mental and emotion matter...Respect!!!

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Honesty is the one of the requirements for recovery, just do it! You’ll be glad you did.

Don't beat yourself up. Whoever you tell should support you and want the best for you. I was hating myself fearing telling my support system that I'd recently relapsed, thinking I didn't fit in anymore bc they're all focused on recovery and I was screwing up. Their reaction was a complete shock to me, totally the opposite of what I would've thought. They loved on me and were glad I made it back and wanted to try again. The only person that kicked me while I was down was me. If you tell them, they'll encourage you and love you, and if they don't then there are so many people here that will. You're not alone. There are so many of us who have been where you're at.

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Had a girl in a meeting confess to lying about a relapse. Everyone praised her for the courage she had to own it.


It’s going to be okay; I’ll tell you what my friend told me a week ago: addiction is a disease and a mind f*ck. Tomorrow is a new day, and an opportunity to start again

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