
Relapsed yesterday - no excuse back to IOP today - I wasn’t practicing gratitude, and I wasn’t spiritual connected. I stopped working action and just floated around. Need to be more consistent. I don’t hate myself but I know better. Which I didn’t have this disease. It’s crazy how one drink can lead to destructive behavior. I haven’t surrendered, thought I did. But once again this disease proved I’m Powerless!


Hello Zo

I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling brother. I’ve been there. I know what you’re going through. It sucks.

Do you go to AA meetings or NA meetings? 

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Yeap I go to AA and have a sponsor, aiming rolled the dice being ungrateful and took my Will back.


This sh@t happens, bro! It doesn’t have to be, but lapsing is part of recovery. And bro, you are not powerless. Remember how far you have come.


Let’s keep it moving Zo :pray:t3:

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Zo, you workin the steps w a sponsor? Hit me up if you’re serious. I was a chronic relapser for a long time. I know what it takes to get and stay happily sober.


Hey, Zo! Great work on recognizing what wrong and making the steps to get back together. That's self awareness. Mature moves. I'm proud of you!


Keep your head up

You recognize what happened and you're right we are never cured from this disease, we manage and conquer on a daily. I've been struggling with entertaining fantasies of drinking just a little but know that 1st one is a pretty quick trip back to helll for me. God bless you Zo


Helll it was for that one day, happy to be back on the grind. Grateful to make it back in one piece. Thank you :pray:t4:


I'm on day 3. I relapsed on alcohol too. I need IOP too. Take it one day at a time and be glad you are bouncing back!! :blush:

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Not practice gratitude will begin my decline every single time. Just missing a single day makes a noticeable difference.

Relapse stinks but God can purpose this into something greater than we can ever imagine. I am living proof. I am confident the same will be the case with you. Sounds like you have your head wrapped around this pretty well.

Such a powerful and insightful post BTW

Your awareness is a spectacular illustration of your capacity to navigate this dynamic.

Stay the course and extend yourself grace on the journey as needed. It’s likely not going to be a straight line.

Let us know how we can support you. You’re on your way.


Hang in bro :pray: for you

It's OK to get knocked down, but you're doing the right things to get back on track. However long you were sober before you relapsed will make it even easier this time around.

Courage Zo L.

Yeah man, keep that poison out of your life! Whether a person is an alcoholic or not, that stuff has no benefit. One doesn't do any good, and 100 don't do any good.

How are you doing today Zo? 

I know you are strong and got this Zo!