
I’m here if you wanna chat

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How are you doing tonight)

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You’ve to thanks god for life so many solu are gone

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Good morning Kaitlyn

9 months is not down the drain keep coming back. You deserve to have an amazing life. You are worthy of all the gifts.

I’m sure you learned a lot of life skills and gained a support group. do you have a sponsor? Do you have a home group? Do you have a support group?

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I’m doing well my apologies on delayed response

Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s time to double down & use your fellowship. Protect your sobriety, don’t test it. You are loved!

…as has already been relayed, the time you had did not go down the drain, Kaitlyn.

I relapsed so often over the course of a decade.
I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.
As many do-reach that point and realize that there is a better way to live and that is by remaining sober.

If meetings turn out to not be your thing, there are tons of resources and avenues available to help you keep your sobriety intact.

Easier said than done, while try to not beat yourself up too much.

You reached out and please try to be proud of yourself for wanting to change.
Let us know what you are doing ( if you feel like )-to not relapse again…whether this involves meetings and / or other resources.
Wishing you well.

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You gotta keep yourself and mind busy… video games, painting, the gym whatever helps you not think about the problem that causes you to drink but eventually you’ll have to salve that problem

I’m not sure I understand the last sentence. Wasn’t your drink? Fill it with water? Did you drink a drink by accident?

Doesn’t matter anymore what’s done is done and I don’t want to stress on it anymore


How are you doing today Kaitlyn???

Those 9 months are still there they didn’t just evaporate. You’re back now and I’m proud of you welcome back! All we have is 24 hours ahead just don’t pick up the first fatal drink. Read double your efforts and look at what you didn’t do prior to your relapse. If you’re going to meetings, get into the steps and get into service as soon as possible. I’m glad you had courage to be honest here on your post. 

Hang in there honey! I'm only at day 10 but I'm celebrating every day sober. Go hour by hour if you have to!


Like everyone has said, definitely NOT down the drain. Be kind to yourself, it goes a long way.
If you're feeling guilty about something, get it off your chest and put it behind you!

I feel your pain, I went to detox then rehab and felt great, and unfortunately the better I felt the more I wanted to drink. It’s an ego thing with me I feel good and things are going great so I deserve a drink! It literally makes no sense but we are all in this situation, every comment I hear in AA I can relate to, but I am still only dipping my toe in the water of AA. You should be proud of 9 months. And don’t let a relapse get you down. I’ve had relapse and people tell me the same and I know what it’s like to be told a relapse is OK but deep down you think it’s not. But as they say, forget yesterday don’t worry about tomorrow just get through today. And I was always skeptical it it works.



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I had a lot if relapses before I finally had enough so you start over and remember one day at a time no matter what

Been there. You can do it trust the process <3

My sponsor said when I relapsed after 5 years i didn’t loose it i was still sober for those 5 years now i am having a tough time but i still hear the wisdom