
9 months Down the drain and nobody noticed. Idk what to do I don’t wanna drink but the feeling is like no other. I need to stop or I’ll die pls help
Edit - thank you so much for all the supporting words and advice, I just don’t know how to get over the guilty feeling. Because what I drank wasn’t mine and I had to fill it with water and what not so idk that’s eating me alive right now.


You try going to aa meetings or do you have a sponsor

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Hi Kaitlyn, you have an AA club there where you live. Check out some women's AA meetings and connect with the ladies there asap. They can help you. They know how you feel. They know where you've been. You don't have to do this alone.


So... You still have those 9 months of sobriety in your life. You did it once, you can do it again. What did you enjoy most about you 9 months of sobriety?


Kaitlyn, I was a chronic relapser for decades! I finally got sick & tired of it and got super serious about my program. My sobriety and specifically my emotional sobriety had to be my number 1 priority in my life.
Once I did that, sobriety became easy and fun! 15 years later I wouldn’t take a drink for a million dollars.
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor that is affective for you? If not, get on it.
I’m here if you want to talk.


Hello Kaitlyn. You were doing good. Ask family and friends for support to help you. There’s AA meetings for women try to attend one and you will see all the support they give you. Stay away from people you hang around with and tell them that you really need to quit. Stay strong and start over. You have a lot to live for. Keep your progress posted… Paul.


It is a great start!

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Accountability is paramount for me. The fact that no one noticed makes my heart hurt for you beautiful girl. Listen to these guys above, they said it all


Just 24 hours at a time. They start adding up. You start feeling good. You know you can do it and you’re worth it🙂


You did 9 months and nobody can take that away from you. This isn't over. Don't let the guilt and shame take over. It will happen. Most of us will relapse at some point. I have come to realize that one must accept this hard fact, and the best we can do about it is to come up with a plan for when this happens. One of them must be to meet yourself with compassion and care for that part of you that is hurting.


It's not down the drain, just get back up and keep on going you don't have to start over, just keep on going 1 foot in front of the other even if there dragging


Get yourself to a A.A. meeting. It saved my life.


I went a year and relapsed then 7 months and now I’m working a program with 15 months keep trying don’t give up!!


Wow you went 9 months that’s huge!!
That takes allot of strength. I encourage you to draw from that and do what ever you need to to get back on that mindset set. Catch some meetings or find someone to talk to.

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I'm so sorry I know the feeling. For me I have to get myself someqhere safe and recommit and then make it número uno priority again. Delete some numbers deactivate the social media take whatever measures(never really something you want to do(fear sucks)) and get back to basics like self care hygiene sleep enough get some things that will keep you accountable. Many can help but YOU have have have to do it...


Send you a Friend request if you wanna chat Dump feelings or anything cuz I got people I do that with regularly

Hi Kaitlyn. Relapse is part of the journey and does not equal failure. Try to Be kind to yourself :heartbeat: sending you lots of love


Those 9 months aren’t down the drain. That’s 9 months under your belt. Get back up you can do it. You have the will now make the way. Get to a meeting keep reaching out.


Took me many tries.

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You are forgiven. Relax. Enjoy. You are forgiven.