
Still rather early in sobriety but having to deal with some pretty big decisions. I might be kicked out with a divorce pending that. I’ve made mistakes true but I can’t lose my kids. Just hoping someone has been through what im going through. I know i dont have the control here; whats done is done, but putting it in Gods hands is so hard. This is my kids future! Any advice would be helpful.


@amanda321789 Admitting that you're powerless is step 1.
Standing up and admiring we are wrong is huge.
Accepting the fact that we have no control of the circumstances is growth.
Turning it over to will and care of God, as we understand Him is a process within itself.
I don't have any children that I'm aware of so I can't help you there.
I know this sounds so cliche however keep asking God for his will not yours be done.
Add me and we'll talk more in depth

Went through the same thing you’re going through. Although the marriage isn’t going to work, you don’t have to lose your kids. Go through the courts for custody of your children that way you have a say in your children’s future. It’s a long process but well worth it. I have custody of my kids. Keep the faith.

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Like you said, what's done is done. Focus on what you CAN do. What you CAN change.

Getting sober has been the best thing for both my relationship with my kids and for my divorce. I never thought my ex wife would acknowledge the positive changes but she has become one of my biggest supporters.

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Mistakes happen forgiveness sometimes doesn't your health mind body n soul don't need to be foggedits you and your children

That need to be renting space in to your head

Not working out to re connect with to your x put that book on the shelf.

All a divorce is is a mind game threats of you'll never im gonna the you'll see let's see how the judge féels about

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