
My man and I argue over stupid stuff. Few days ago I get called names and he has relapsed twice this year. Tonight he goes out at 11pm and is just now getting on his way home. I told him how he makes me feel when I ask what’s going on with him. He’s just not the same. He says he wants work things out but wants a break. I’m just heartbroken rn cuz idk why he being this way


Good morning Amber, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Are you working the 12 steps do you have a sponsor?

When I went through the steps and allowed me to see me for who I was an active addiction and drinking. it allowed me to change my behaviors and I finally became someone I never thought I could be.


Amber… hard and tough decisions must be made to keep your sobriety the priority :pray:t3:


If nothing changes nothing changes, changes especially people, places and things if a person is no good for your sobriety. You need to make yourself the priority


Yes I do. I will have 7 years clean off meth August 2nd this year. Thank you for your comment. I don’t have many friends at. Maybe like 3


Yes I agree


It’s just so hard

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I’m so proud of you. Amber does so awesome. I’m glad you are here.

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Hard hard honey you got seven years clean off meth the rest is cake you are strong enough to endure anything but be true to yourself before any others you leaving him may be what saves his life .. something to think of ..

Amber, I'm fairly new to this community, but I can tell you that you have friends here. Everybody here can relate to the struggles you are having, and by no means I'm making comparisons or minimizing your pain. What you're going through is very real and incredibly difficult and, as some have said, decisions must be made. It's hard to swim upstream, especially if someone is dragging you downstream. Remember oxygen masks protocols on airplanes? You must wear yours first before helping others.

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