Returned from rehab about a week ago. When I returned,

Sorry to hear this Travis sending positive healing vibes your way

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Definitely journal and meditation. Hang in there.


Appreciate you all very much. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement. :pray:t4:

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Easier said than done. Stay strong. God closes doors nobody can open. n opens doors nobody can close. Trust him. I'll keep yu in my prayers :pray:t5:


Iā€™m so sorry about that. Stay strong! Donā€™t deviate.


If she is leaving because of this disease, some people canā€™t handle it and need to protect themselves. They might not have the capacity or capability to handle it.
Keep doing what you know is best for YOU. You will continue to thrive and be an amazing dad for your child - kids need their dads, I didnt have mine because of his alcoholism. Take care of you and you will be the best you possible.


I would get to a meeting, and dive head first into a 12 step program of action. My ex cheated on me, then married that man. If it wasn't for the 12 steps, and my newly developed relationship with my Higher Power, I would still carry that resentment against both of them and want to hurt them both badly. It's one of the MANY things that used to eat me alive. We never know what the future will hold for us, as it is all part of God's plan. If you maintain your sobriety, and put your recovery first, you will see that God has beautiful things in store for you!


It's ruff when we have made a mess of our lives but you have to hang in there and remember the magic will happen sooner then you realize just keep on keeping on brother good luck my friend we are all here for you anytime you need us to chat with someone. Your never alone. God is with you always :heart:.

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:pray: stay strong my friend

I would get to a meeting. With all that being dropped on you being alone would seem like a bad idea for me. Stay strong man sending positive vibes your way.


Above all else keep your sobriety number one. Ninth step promises do materialize if you do the work. Good luck and Iā€™m praying for you.

Hi, Travis.
How is your week going?

Sorry to read about this heartache that you are going throughā€¦just a friendly reminder to keep doing what you brought up within your recent share.
In regards to building and sustaining your systems of support, so forth.

It is so important to remain sober for our own selves.

I was just this morning, writing in my notebook of how I still feel hurt ( at times )ā€¦from my last relationship.
( I put in the work to become, remain sober )-and even that was not enough!

We just, yesā€¦have to remain sober for ourselves.
When we do it for othersā€¦it never seems to stick?

This s-cksā€¦what you are going through.

Please keep us posted.
I will not drink and, or use with you / yaā€™ll today.