Returned from rehab about a week ago. When I returned,

Returned from rehab about a week ago. When I returned, my wife told me she wanted a divorce. She is leaving the state tomorrow along with our 18 year old daughter. Struggling with ALL the emotions while trying so hard to protect my sobriety.


Oh, please stay clean and sober! Things happen for a reason, of which we do not know at this time.


Thanks Thomas. I’ll stay sober. It’s not optional this time. :slight_smile:

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:pray: 🩵

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You got this homie. Stay connected. Hit some meetings.

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Maybe it’s supposed to be this way. It’s the plan, divorced and sober beats divorced and depressed and dependent on alcohol. After the sock you’re going to be happy your not in a unloving relationship and you’ll be sober. Celebrate your sobriety.


The best thing you can do to still show up for your wife and daughter is stay sober. You can do this. Emotions are hard but that’s because we’ve been drowning them in substances for so long. At least I was.

I love you and keep it up :slight_smile:

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Don't drink whatever you do.Don't drink during a divorce.The court will make your life worse than you ever.Could have imagined.Believe me I know. Focus on sobriety and take one day at a time.


So sad but just keep pushing

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Wow! I logged in and saw all the support. Thank you all so much. Really means a lot! 🥲 I’m still sober ya’ll. Imma keep pushing. #ODAAT. You guys are great :two_hearts:

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Really sorry to hear this, man. Please hang in there. Reach out to your sober support system OFTEN.


You got nothing if you go back out. Did you go to rehab for yourself or to keep people in your life? To save a job? To satisfy others? I hope you did it for yourself. Believe it or not a new life is right in front of you if you want it. With other people in recovery who you can relate to. Have you been to a meeting since you got out? They will welcome you with open arms.


You are not alone. Wishing you happiness.

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Laurie-I did it for me. But those girls were the main thing keeping me going in there. That was the longest I’d ever been away from either of them. They were/are my whole world. I’m currently in intensive outpatient care, which is similar to rehab, just a bit less. So I have that group as well as the group from rehab who I am in contact with. I’m trying to build my support system since my wife (soon to be ex) was essentially it. Yes-going to meetings. Keeping busy. I go back to work, half days for a couple weeks to ease me back in on Monday of next week.

Oh brother my divorce was early sobriety. Wife falsely accused me of heinous crimes and I was looking at 20 years prison. I stayed sober and it all worked out.
I was a horrible addict and husband. I owned up to my sheeeittt! And forgave her and myself. Life is great!
Stay sober, stay positive and know it’ll get much better!

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This is definitely a hard situation, but who did you go to rehab for.? Sometimes we lose everything but 99.9% of the time it’s because something better is coming. Life is a journey my friend. You have taken the first steps into reclaiming your life. Don’t give up because of other people’s opinions.

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You can do this I promise I know it’s hard but if you go to meetings and get a sponsor fill ur life with recovery and you will start healing

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Go to a meeting if you can even for the zoom meeting and see if you can find a sponsor get a group of guys. They’re also in recovery so you can lean on them and call them when you’re having a rough day.

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That sucks! Did you see it coming?

Sounds devastating. Think you are doing everything for them. Keep healing what’s in your control. God bless.

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