Right now, I want to drink, AND right now, I

Right now, I want to drink, AND right now, I don't want to drink. That's a heck (did you guys know you can't say h. e. double hockey sticks on here?) of a conundrum to be in. Ugh.


Thats addictions for ya i feel like eveyday

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Stay the course

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Don’t drink go to a meeting call your sponsor Don’t drink it’s not worth it

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Hey I found I stay busy, harder for the desire to hit a moving target. Get a darn hobby you always thought about or something. It will pass. Thinking about drinking and thinking about not drinking SUCKS. Grab it like a drowning man seizes a life preserver and soon you will lose the obsession of the mind. Game Changer! Let’s just not have a drink this 24 hour cycle. You got it in you​:heart::blush:


Only temporary numbness. Think the drink!!! Wishing you happiness!!

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take it an hour at a time if you have to… open your big book, listen to a speaker, write down what youre grateful for. you got this

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Focus on the positives of not drinking there are so many. Go outside if you can. Breath. Negative focus on consequence may work better for some. You know you. Do what has worked in the past.

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Don't drink

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Kathy are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?

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I am. It's going really well. I love the program. Anyway, the drinking obsession lasted less than an hour and I ended up doing my first concert sober last night. It was a great night!

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I don't know how you dropped an f bomb? The app won't let me


How u doing today?

Doing good. I seem to go through this intense struggle for like an hour once a week, but once I get through it, I feel stronger.

Thank you for asking.

Faith isn't needed. Only trust. Faith is something that people have with zero proof. Trust however is something you can do. Trust your AA program, you can SEE that working. Faith not needed.

Awesome :clap:

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What the heck! Ha I just tried it. That’s crazy!!