Rough 24 hours

Before I was going out with friends to celebrate my 2yrs last night, I learned yesterday afternoon that my work friends dad had passed away. I don't think he'd been doing too well but it's still sad.

The celebration was fun but I barely slept last night.

I'm drinking all the Pepsi I can get my hands on :sob:

I'm so sorry for this. I wish you a swift and throrough journey through this cycle of grief, and peace with it.

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Just be there to support your friend. We’ve all been there. Stay the course.

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Thank you guys. It kind of derailed me from my new routine , but I feel confident I can get back on track very soon. Specifically in terms of exercising and eating.

Hang in there man. My sister's best friend's 3rd cousin's boss's 2nd cousin died yesterday too. Im not gonna fml over it. :wink:

Have another Pepsi, brother.

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Your who???

Anyway I guess my point was that the death of anybody even remotely close to me reminds me of a death of a person who was VERY close to me and was my first realization that my alcohol use was for emotional reasons

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Sorry for your loss. My dad died in a motorcycle accident when I was newly sober. I felt his presence and knew he was and is happy that I’m sober.
I’m here if you want to talk.

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I am sorry to hear about your friends dad passing and congratulations on your 2 years

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I can dig it man. I'm sorry for oversimplifying your feelings. Forgive me, friend.

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I appreciate and accept your apology. It just so happened to be a day what was supposed to be happy for me and it turned out not to be . But that's how life is sometimes.

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