
I’m sad everyday. I want to drink so badly to make the feelings go away. I’ve already lost everything who cares if I have a drink. I have nothing left to lose


There are plenty of reasons not to have a drink. I’m not sure if you go to meetings or not, I know they help a lot of people but if not have you thought about going to see a therapist/psychiatrist? AA isn’t for me so I see both and it has helped me tremendously. 


I understand...when I feel that way if I don't step back and observe those feelings (of feeling sorry for myself) I just drink...I'm sooooooo good at feeling pathetic! Lol...I'm just speaking from my experience

You got this I hope you get to see you kids more take it slow

Thank you, I see my kids as much as I can. The thought of possibly ruining what little I have with them is the only reason I’m sober

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Keep it up

Numbing the pain is temporary. We must find the solution to our real problems. Are you attending meetings or some kind of group support?

I’ve relapsed a lot the past 5 years. This time I’m in rehab and not attending any Aa meetings. I don’t feel the connection with AA anymore

Try to stay strong

Good morning Jeremy

We do we want you to have what we have. We’ve all walked through the same pain you were feeling. I’m sorry you were in that right now. I remember the same feelings.