
I have just decided to start stopping today. I have been wanting to stop for so long but haven’t. I’m scared I’ll let myself down


Glad you’re here🙌

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Tamara, lean on us. We got you! We were all scared in the beginning. Trust me, it gets so much better.
It’s definitely a challenging adjustment, but so worth it.
Go to meetings everyday, get a sponsor and do the steps. This will help you get and stay happily sober.
I’m here if you want to talk.


Welcome! :hugs:

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Welcome and congrats Tamara! It will be hard but also a very rewarding journey you won’t regret. You can do this! :blush:

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Pick up the phone and call anyone. You can even call me I don’t care what time it is. I always have time to listen

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You're in the right place, take it 10 minutes at a time and be gentle with yourself :sparkling_heart:

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Relapsing is a part of recovery for most. All you have to do is be willing to stop and thats a start. Attend an open meeting and see how it goes. See if you can find a newcomers meeting they are very helpful in the beginning.


It's worth it! Welcome!

Welcome! Everyone is here for you!!! We are all in the same boat!!! Think the drink! Wishing you happiness!!!

So glad you are here. You're not alone in this. Feel free to reach out to me if needed.

Glad you are here taking your first step!

Welcome :pray: glad you are here..I just started myself..sp far so good a lot of experience in here

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One great choice leads to many more yay :grin:

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Yes, it certainly does. The only way you will let yourself down is by not trying until you succeed. Any other presumed "faikures" are only temporary and make the eventual success all the greater. Keep going till you get it right and then take note of what worked, wash, rinse, repeat!


Thank you everyone for such wise words. This language is going to be a great tool to prevent mistakes, and to keep me going forward in case of one. Just.. thank you.

You can

We are to help :pray: