Searching for benefits

Hi there, 7.5 months and while I “know” sobriety is infinitely better than drinking as much as I was, I’m struggling with not experiencing the great benefits people talk about. I’ve gained about 15 lbs., my energy is awful, I don’t wake up with less pain or exhaustion, I’m no sharper at work, etc…I drank heavily for about 7 years so I know it won’t be erased in 7 months, but I’m just feeling blah about it all. I’m not tempted to drink- I was incredibly blessed that I didn’t get myself in more trouble than I did- I’m just kinda… unhappy. I’m so grateful for sober community and fellowship and I believe that I’ll see benefits (maybe even “a life beyond my wildest dreams”) it can just be hard to wait for it, I guess :woman_shrugging:


I understand. It's hard to wait for great things. But, really, you already have the greatest thing. That's freedom from alcohol. You get to make your own choices and decisions and live a good life in a much better way. By the way, I'm a CT resident too. Enjoy the lovely weather!


You’ll get there Jennifer :pray:t3: I was in the same boat as most of us.


I felt this. For me, it wasn’t until I started addressing the issues that made me drink/use in the first place that I really started to make progress in my sobriety. I might’ve been sober, but I was still telling lies, being sneaky, overspending/overeating to compensate for myself, etc. But as soon as I started fixing what was wrong with me, all the other stuff (benefits) are slowly coming to me. You’ll get there. Congrats on the 7.5 months sober!


Hang in there, its a process, you have a lot of support. Staying sober is the high priority for your well being.


I felt every emotion you are. I've gained the weight. I isolated and am already a introvert. I hated work. Life just didn't have the same rose colored glasses I was use to.
What I am doing which I see as very beneficial is working out. Even if it's 10 mins a day. I quit my antidepressants and am trying my very hardest to be in a mindful healthy headspace. I'm still working on finding a hobby. And some days FORCING myself to be happy. Also get rid of the triggers. For instance at work I hate the lunch staff I now bring my lunch. It's healthier, cheaper and I don't have to encounter miserable ppl :grin:


Are you working your steps?


Good point. Even 10 min a day of ex can lift our spirits. A walk or some yoga. Feels good. Is not too time consuming. No excuses. Start small and build from there. I need to get back to yoga.


I went through this, and still do 5 years in. But the benefits of being sober still outweigh the not so great things.


Jennifer, thanks for reminding me of the early days of my sober journey🙏. Don’t worry the benefits will become much more apparent soon enough! The boredom turns to inner peace. The joy and happiness is not so fleeting. Loving relationships become deeper and more meaningful. Service is my new high! The simple things in life become a big deal.
Are you doing your steps with a sponsor?


Hi Jennifer, I told the old timers many times that I wanted a time machine to skip the in between. I was miserable in the beginning. I lost the job I was trying to save, a few months later, the marriage I was trying to save all within my first year and 2 weeks of sobriety. I leaned on my support system and kept pushing, when I didn’t know why I was doing it anymore. Somewhere around 14 months the fog began to lift and I started to see more clearly. I started to see why things went the way they did. I really sucks going through it. It’s like the mental and physical healing comes in stages in 6 month intervals. Don’t give up, what you seek is just around the corner. Stay strong.


Hit the gym? I'm trying to go, I pay for a membership. I feel so much better after a good workout.


You need a sober plan…

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Hello Jennifer. I sent you a friend request by the way. So maybe ask others if they notice a difference as it can be rough to note without the assistance of others.

I will say this... Sobriety alone is one thing. After a year I still struggled to see the benefits. 2 years in I began to but the real cha ges happened between years two and three. At this time my mind began to shift dramatically. I was no longer sober bc my life depended on it (fentanyl) but rather because I enjoyed my life a d even my own self for Mayne the first time in my adulthood. Then I began to take seriously this new lease on life and made my eating and exercise routines a huge part of my daily routine as well as my sobriety. I began to plug in and help others more consistently which makes me feel complete.

Doing my daily gratitude was also huge. Bigger than I can ever explain. So big others took notice even from a far off distance. I hope this helps. In my mind abstaining isn't enough. Replacing unhealthy habits beyond the drink or drugs and putting new habits and especially healthy though patterns in place is where the true metamorphosis lies.

I couldn't agree more with you brother!

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One thing I will note is how often others brought up exercise. This is bigger than you might think. We need to renew our original chemical make up and exercise and a healthy diet are a great catalyst.

The other thing I will state and I do it is likely just the choice of words I an nitpicking but don't "wait" for anything. It is yours for the taking. This place is great for good feedback. I applaud you for your honesty. This post should be permanently pinned to the top bc we all go through this along the way and I fear many fall off as a result.

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Yes!! Completely agree. Im in therapy and have been for years, but there’s definitely something I haven’t yet uncovered or tapped into that’s fueling my compulsive behavior (and possible dopamine addiction!) compulsive overthinking, overeating, etc. thank you so much for your encouragement.

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Thank you so much- great insight. Congratulations on all you’ve overcome!!

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Yes, as we live in this world of instant gratification and buy same day delivery we all forget that in recovery doesn’t have a fast track and it does take a lot of effort and patience for us but keep it up! Everyday is another opportunity to make you the best version of yourself for your future!

Is there anything you've been wanting to do for a while but didn't? Starting something like that could be a fun benefit.