Remember every day should be treated as a gift from god .... not just on is precious and is taken for granted so easily...and can be taken from us. I just want to wish those i have lost from addiction a very merry Christmas and i miss yall more n more each day...and that this disease of addiction (which is not just drugs/achocol) its can be anything.... addiction no matter what it is its a struggle. I am proud of each and every person on here...take one day at a time and remember you are not alone...the addiction doesn't make you less of a makes you human ..if only humidity would stop judging someone based solely on thier addiction or thinking all addicts act the same way...cause WE DONT!! Those who judge addiction dont realize that they suffer from a addiction themselves. There is good and bad in everyone....some of most honest people i have been friends with or met have been addicts ...and the reason why i say that is because as addicts myself..some addicts dont have nothing to hide but the addiction itself. For me i hid my addiction from my some of my family and my mom and kids...its that i was ashamed it's because they deserved better than to see someone they loven care bout suffering from drug addiction.
Thank you for sharing this, it’s such a powerful reminder that addiction doesn’t define us and that everyone’s journey is different. Proud of you for being so honest and encouraging others!
You are very welcome sweetie...
Wow thank you for sharing this comment!!