I have been in treatment since August 16th, my original sobriety date, and I just relapsed last Thursday in my PHP sober house and no one knows. I'm returning to my home city of Richmond, VA to a long-term women's sober living and I intend to be completely honest about my sober date with everyone there, I just wanted to start that honesty early and put it out into the universe that I messed up. I can't wait to get back out into the "real world" and start going to meetings and get a sponsor and living in recovery, and I want to work and honest, if imperfect program.
You got this Katelyn
We're all here trying to work a perfectly imperfect program. The only step I need to get "perfectly" is step 1. If your sober living house found out, would they kick you out? Be careful saying things like, "I can't wait until..." I have to temper my expectations of everything, because I never know what life (and God) is going to throw at me. Me being completely honest with myself, my sponsor, my sober community, and in turn God is the only way this thing works for me. I lied for so long that I began to believe those lies.
I'm happy to hear that you are planning on sticking with it, and it seems like you aren't beating yourself up too badly. Are your praying every day?
No I'm not praying every day but I have recently started praying for the first time at all. I just recently started being open to spirituality at all and it feels really good. I do want to pray more and practice gratitude more. Thank you for the advice about expectations, I do agree it is important to be careful about those. I'm moving to my new, long-term sober living tomorrow and I'm going to tell them the truth and they'll know, I don't know if this temporary, treatment sober living would've kicked me out or not.
Thank you so much
Listen prayer is the most used tool we have if we have God on our side we can't lose as long as your putting the work in you and your sobriety is going to be just fine. But get a sponsor so you can start at step 1 again
I love you so much! You’re so strong & you got this
Oof now you know, I love you too I hope so!