-sees rose- "ooo pretty. iwanit."

-touches rose-
"got jam rock plucker!"

I'm struggling with the fact that I feel things again.

Having to weigh the choices of my 'needs' versus my 'wants'. Then comparing those against the idea of habits and behaviors that influenced/caused choices in my mess.

I just have to be careful in looking at things from the perspective of wanting them because they quote unquote smell and look pretty. Realizing that they may cause more harm than joy if not handled with care or viewed affectionately from afar...

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I hear you brother. Sounds like you already got the answer.

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Hang on Matthew, you can handle this discernment, especially with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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That you spoke these words into existence. I'm continually giving deeper understanding of myself by grace

I personally really like what Dr. Tony Evans has to say about this. He's got a bunch of messages on YouTube.

I don't listen to a lot of Tony evans. I'll look it up later. I like voddie bachman. And Paul Tripp